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Showing posts with the label Lancelot

Rustic Big Mansion

Old rustic mansion, full of blocks and mysteries, with big rooms and concrete walls design, made for a modern and rustic look, where you can play with friends or alone. The beauty design of this mansion will make your survival better, a good start if you dont want go to chop trees and build stuff, just start with a prefabricated house and hop right into the action. This is nkt finished yet, so please leave ANY idea you have or your opinion in the comments, so i can improve it. In a near future i will add Stereo, farm, sensors, tagging system and a bunch of stuff that i used in my other designs of house, but in a better version. DOWNLOAD Rutic Big Mansion (AD Rutic Big Mansion (Mediafire)

Furniture Addon 2

Created by Lancelot, from Livecraft Team Add a modern and realistic touch to your house with our modern looking furniture, Some of the furniture actually works. But this addon its not finished yet, you have to finish it.  Tell us trough  Discord  section what would you like to see in the next version  and we will maybe add it and of course, give you credits for suggesting furniture. Working furniture As i said earlier, some of the furniture actually works. Here is a guide on how to use them: Coffee maker Interact with cocoa beans first to load the coffee maker with coffee. Then, make a mug with one quartz mineral and interact with the coffee maker. Your cup will fill with coffee and then enjoy your coffee ad Microwave Interact with the microwave using raw beef. The microwave will cook it in around 3 seconds, and give you a microwaved steak, which fills 3,5 food.

Luxurious Mansion with Stereo

A mansion that includes things like stereo, 4 pools, personal jail, dual training system and a bunker, designed for multiplayer games and also for ocassional survival multiplayer because of the features it have Credits:  LancelotF  and  TLivecraft This home includes things like a security system that will prevent anyone except you and whoever you decide to open the door. 2 Outdoor swimming pools, 1 hidden pool, and 1 pool inside a bunker, where you can change parameters of the house The sound system is hidden under the backyard pool to give a loud and clear sound with rich bass to celebrate anything with your friends. Also the backyard has a personal chef, a wheat farm and a McDonalds. The jail allows you to imprison players who behave badly or hackers that you do not want to be in your game or that you simply want to bother, among other things that come within the manual. Note: To enter the bunker you have to be tagged as own

Small Luxurious House

A small but luxurious home, with extra amenities such as a bunker under the pool, a functional speaker system or having privacy in each room. This home will also be great for playing with friends, as it includes teleports to the more adventurous structures of Minecraft, such as the temple of the desert or the Ender Dragon. Credits: LancelotF and TLivecraft This home has basic and luxurious amenities. It has a speaker system that works, with up to 24 different songs, a bunker under the pool that opens only by putting the correct combination, different teleporters to take you to the most interesting structures and anti-mobs security system. Also, of course a self-destruct button so you do not have to put the TNT when you want to blow up the house. All this is designed to play with your friends (if you have) and take them on an adventure to the desert temple, defeat the ender dragon, and then celebrate with some good music. To suggest a sou

Speaker Add-on

Have you ever wanted music in your lonely Minecraft world? Now you can. This addon adds a speaker wich you can put whatever you want and play whatever you like. This addon adds a speaker, in wich you can play music. You can use it as decoration for your home teather or shake the earth with the music bass. Also, you can out as much as you want of this, and they will all sound simoultaneously, wich can be interesting for experiments and to blow your ears (Or your friends ears). Currently this is the only design, but in the future (If we hit 500 shares) i will make more designs so you have a speaker wich fit well in your minecraft house. HOW TO USE You will have to download a music pack (Or suggest your own one) from  this page Then also download the speaker add on Install both in your world, putting the music pack upper than the speaker add on If you are thinking of use my add on in a map wich you will make public, you can use it, but please put m








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