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this addon adds 7 new vehicles to the game the motorcycle was added With these vehicles you can explore your worlds faster soon more vehicles will be added This addon is created by ROBERTGAMER69 in collaboration with the TEAM INFINITE MINDS If you find the error you can make them know by twitter @ ROBERTGAMER69 Download: motorcraft.mcaddon

Parkour Mirror

 Parkour Mirror [Minigame] [Parkour]  Parkour Mirror is very much what it sounds like. In each level you will find yourself faced with an invisible parkour track, and right next to it there is a glass wall and behind the glass you will see another parkour track but that one has the jumps filled in with blocks. Examine the other track to successfully complete the jumps on your own track! You could cheat by long pressing the screen and selecting for a block. It’s recommended though that you avoid doing that, or else it wouldn’t be much fun to play. Download Download ParkourMirror MCWORLD Changeload The fall system was changed, now you will not be killed, even tp has been changed at the beginning of each level. The base language was changed to English. a line was added midway through each level, this will make the levels easier

Skywars Maker

Skywars Maker Es hora de crear sus propios SkyWars de la manera más fácil posible y si sabe algo sobre comandos, simplemente descargue este mapa y siga las instrucciones para hacerlo. SkyWars Maker es un mapa en el que cualquier persona con o sin conocimientos de comando puede hacer un SkyWars fácilmente. ¿Cómo funciona? Las instrucciones ya están dentro del mapa (en dos idiomas, inglés y español) , pero aún dejaré un video y algunas imágenes para que sepa cómo funciona. Video tutorial : Pasos para crear un SkyWars en SkyWars Maker: 1.- ingrese a la sección "Crear" al comienzo del mundo 2.- seleccione "crear nuevo" para crear un nuevo SkyWars 3.- Al ingresar al área de construcción encontrarás 3 marcos diferentes, uno para “la isla del jugador”, otro para los cofres y otro más grande para “la isla central” En la isla del jugador tienes que construir una pequeña isla donde los jugadores aparecerán en el momen...

Mini Cooper Addon

This add-on implements the Mini Cooper which is a small sports car vehicle. It’s a really iconic car which has been featured in many movies, but it’s also quite likely that you’ve at least once in your lifetime seen it out on the streets in real life. Anyways, this is a great add-on as long you can live with losing the witch for a sports car. DOWNLOAD

Ram 1500 Add-on

Download Mcaddon Changeload New colors Support 1.10 - 1.12

Ford F150 Add-on

Ford F150 Every wanted to drive a pickup truck in Minecraft? Now you can drive two of them! This add-on implements two new pickup cars to game and both of them are based on vehicles in real life. The vehicles include a  Chevy F150. How does it work? The Spiders have been replaced by two new cars: Chevy Silverado . The easiest way to obtain the cars is by spawning them with the spawn eggs found in the creative inventory. Each car can be controlled by a player and used for driving around in your world. iOS / Android: Long press on the shadow, press the ride button and hold a key (carrot on a stick) to start driving Windows 10: Right-click on the shadow to enter the car and hold a key (carrot on a stick) to start driving. Download 1.10 (1.12 betas) Mcaddon

Crash Team Racing Addon

Download Changeload  Fixed bugs  Suppor 1.11 (no beta)

Ant Man Add-on [AC]

This add-on gives you the ability to transform into the superhero Antman and occupy your powers as you change the size of the player. This add-on brings the incredible Antman armor that replaces the chainmail armor.   It also has the wasp armor that replaces the gold armor. The add-on adds 2 elements to the game: the expander and the reducer used to change the player's size. Soon more options will be added for this add-on Remember that if you find a bug or suggestion tell the creator on twitter @ROBERTGAMER69 This add-on only works in version 1.8 and 1.9 (maybe it works in 1.11) Installation Download Behavior .McPack Download Resource .McPack Apply the packs for a world Enable Experimental Gameplay� in the world settings Create the world Changeload News 1* Fixed an error crashing the game 2 * Support beta Download McAddon

V-Wings Add-on

This Addon only works with Minecraft version 1.10 - 1.12 Beta. To use this add-on please enable " Use Experimental Gamplay" in world settings. This add-on adds 7 decorative Wings and the Wings key to unlock the Wings to the game. #Animated Wings *Ëbergy Iron Wings - Lock or unlock the wings with redstone. *Phoenix Wings . Lock or unlock the wings with Lapis Lazuli. #Wings *There are 5 different wings: All wings drop the wings key when you hit the wings. You can lock ou unlock your wings with the wings key. You can  equip them by walking into unlocked wings. When you jump, the wings are removed. You can dye locked " Large Wings" with dues. Suggetion and more  Discord or  @_VactricaKing #How  to install Download and intall the McAddon Acrivate both Behavior and Resource pack in your world settings. Enable use Experimental Gamplay in the work setting. Download McAddon


PackSurviMapas MAPA: FRAGMENTS WORLD @everyone Descripcion: Bienvenido al paquete de mapas SurviCraft, este es el paquete más grande creado por Marco Gamer, así que disfrute de una experiencia única con muchos biomas y biomas inferiores, el paquete se llama SurviMaps porque está relacionado con todas las cosas de SurviCraft. Los mapas miden 1000x1000 hasta 2800x2800 y puedes encontrar muchas características interesantes como: Árboles súper épicos y personalizados. Lagos extra grandes Nuevos biomas del inframundo. Volcanes Montañas épicas Estructuras epicas Brechas en el mundo Cuevas de agua Mega pilares de tierra y mucho más Disfruta del último mega pack de SurviMapas. Descarga:


PackSurviMapas MAPA: Secred_Hills @everyone Descripcion: Un mapa donde hay montañas épicas y arcos de piedra únicos con árboles súper épicos y una experiencia enorme y fantástica para el jugador, ya que es un mapa creado por MarcoGamer e importado de Java Edition. Descarga: