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Sky Clash Battle Final Update

Warning, this map is in Spanish. Sky Clash battle is a minigame inspired by clash royale, but surviving as in sky block and sky wars.  The main objective of the game is to destroy the towers of the enemy team, either destroying its ender crystal, with TNT or killing 5 times the enemy team.  When a tower is destroyed, the defense of these will be increased and arrows directed at the members of the enemy team will be fired.  every time a member dies, a chest will appear under it so that it does not appear without things.  The first team to destroy the three towers of their enemy Win.  When winning, the map restarts placing the islands at random, and you can access the world settings 1 time per game, in the settings they can lock / unlock the daylight cycle, make day or night, change the weather, activate / deactivate the keepinventory, activate / deactivate explosive dynamite.



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El Mapa Fue Comprado Por FranciscoOM,  Los Derecho Han Pasado A Mi.


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